A few years ago I pulled out a Minion matching cards game for our youngest to play with. She was too young to play the traditional way at the time so I decided to separate the pairs. I was curious
to see if she would be able to find the matching card, and to no surprise she was able to! Every time she found a match she would shout "YAY! GOOD JOB!"
In our house this is how we celebrated her wins. Clapping, dancing and shouting "GOOD JOB"!
As I sat there and watched her, it hit me! I rarely celebrate my wins! I wondered, what in the world is wrong with me? It looks so fun! Life is often so crazy and I am often so wrapped up in the weeds that I rarely get to step back and relish in my own personal achievements. I bet in most cases you are too. But that should change!
Celebrating wins.. even the little ones should be a part of your new normal.
Why does it matter anyways?
It is important to celebrate our wins because celebrating our wins reinforces positivity, it feels gratifying and it helps lift you up and push you forward when you come up against new challenges. And to be blunt... YOU EARNED it!!
Here is a list of 10 fun ways to celebrate your wins!
1. High-Five your team mates! And if that feels a little awkward or you work at home... high five your dang self!
2. Pop your favorite drink! If it involves alcohol... wait till you get home of course! haha
3. Have a bell in your office that you ring when something is to be celebrated! Side note... we should get a bell!
4. Host a mini dance party.
5. Order lunch for your team.
6. Jump up and down and totally freak out!
7. Call a friend and share the good news!
8. Go get a cupcake... with sprinkles of course!
9. Write down your win and add it to a jar. At the end of the year read them all!
10. Send a memo to everyone giving yourself some much deserved props!
Now go on and CELEBRATE!